viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Dark Tower PDC Solution **OFF OFF Topic**


If you have any doubts...don't hesitate to ask ... :-)

No quería ni Playstations, ni Wii's ni nada en casa... pero van y regalan un PDC (tipo Gameboy de Juguettos con 200 juegos) a Kylian. Me pidió ayuda en "Dark Tower"...y ahora llevo una semana casi sin dormir :-)  Es casi superior al alcohol (y ya es decir!).

Por suerte he llegado a la pantalla final y ya puedo dormir tranquilo.
Dejaré estas pantallas para cualquier internauta que se ha quedado con las dudas...

The Fairy - increases 500 lives + 100 ATT + 100 DEF returning her the Magic Wand (level 7)

Magic Tome - to view basic monster stat's (Life Loss Att Def Gold Experience)

(Thief level 4 opens gate) 2 mysterious old men. Red +40 DEF  White +35 ATT

Sword +5 ATT.  Change 13 Gold for 400 lives or +2ATT or +2DEF

Thief Steven - Opens gate level 2 (+ level 18 returning treasure box level 12)

Shield +5DEF. Red King exchanges 50 EXPerience for 1 level up (+600 lives + 4ATT+4DEF), or 15 EXP for 3ATT or 15EXP for 3DEF. The Green King exchanges keys for Gold. 50 gold=1 red key. 25 = Blue Key.

Feather: 1 level up +10ATT +10DEF

Magic Wand (left blue door!) to bring to Fairy level 0


Sword +20 ATT. Magic Portal to change levels directly


Shield +20DEF. Change 50 Gold for 2000 lives or 10ATT or 10DEF

Treasure Box to return to Thief Steven.  Red King to SELL keys

Feather: +3 levels.  Green King: Exchange 45 EXP for 10ATT or 10DEF (130 for 3 levels)

Holy Water - Doubles your lives.

2 Mysterious old men. White exchanges 250EXP for +60DEF. Red 400 gold for +60ATT

Strong figher (10000 lives 750ATT 650 DEF)

Gaining Gold and Experience

The princess

Sword +50ATT. Shield +50DEF. +Lord of Evil (900 ATT 850 DEF)

Take can lose a lot of lives... But you will have to change your Gold and Experience before entering the Level 21, since you can't go back anymore!!

Overlord of Evil. Very strong 18750 lives 1100ATT 950 DEF 

Warrior (That's me) ATT 12
DEF 11
Monster Lives Attack Defense Gold  Experience LOSS
Pinguin 35 8 2 1 1 0
Bald Man 25 10 2 1 1 0
Small Spider 50 10 3 2 1 0
Blue Animal 55 13 4 3 2 14
Purple Spider 100 18 6 3 2 119
Green Spider  75 20 10 4 3 342
Eye 63 25 15 5 4 ???
Potatoe 75 33 16 5 4 ???
Blue Cape 150 38 24 7 5 ???
Chicken 200 50 26 8 6 ???
Green Soldier 250 63 34 8 8 ???
Blue Cape with Ball 450 65 36 10 8 ???
Calimero with Stick 225 80 46 11 10 ???
Green ET Fighter 275 90 51 13 10 ???
Red ET Fighter 50 105 56 15 13 ???
Death Warrior 350 130 64 16 13 ???
Death Warrior with Ball 600 155 76 20 15 ???
Brown Wizard 425 180 101 23 18 ???
Blue Wizard 250 205 131 24 13 ???
Elephant Fighter 450 245 166 25 20 ???
Santa Claus 625 270 201 28 23 ???
Cleopatra 750 300 231 30 25 ???
Old grey Master 600 330 261 33 25 ???
Red Gnome 1000 360 296 35 28 ???
Green Gnome 450 395 326 39 30 ???
Indian 450 435 366 44 38 ???
IceMan 1250 500 426 42 35 ???
StoneMan 600 600 451 44 38 ???
Yellow/Green Stoneman 1550 650 476 46 40 ???
Strong Fighter 10000 750 650 50 50 ???
Lord of Evil 12300 900 850 60 75 ???
Overlord of Darkness 18750 1100 950     ???
LOSS =   (Lives / (ATT warrior - DEF monster))    *   (ATT montster - DEF warrior)
Level 0 Fairy - With magic Wand she gives 500 lives + 100ATT + 100 DEF
Level 1 Magic Tome to view basic monster stats (LIFE LOSS…etc)
Level 2 2 Mysterious Wise Men (Red +40DEF - White +35ATT)
Level 3 Sword +5ATT - Change 13 Gold for +400 Lives or 2ATT or 2 DEF
Level 4 Steven the Thief - Opens Gate level 2, and level 18 with Treasure box
Level 5 Shield +5DEF - Red King:  15 EXP for 3ATT or 3DEF. Green: Buy keys
Level 6 Feather 1 level up
Level 7 Magic Wand
Level 9 Sword +20ATT. Magic Portal (switch levels)
Level 11 Shield +20DEF - Change 50 Gold for +2000 Lives or 10ATT or 10DEF
Level 12 King buys your keys.  Treasure box for Thief to open gate level 18
Level 13 Green King - Change 130 EXP for 3 levels up. Feather 3 levels up.
Level 14 Holy Water doubles lives
Level 15 2 Wise Men -Red +60DEF (for 400 Gold)- White +60ATT (for 250 EXP)
Level 16 Strong Fighter 750 - 650
Level 18 Princess
Level 19 Sword +50ATT - Shield +50DEF - Lord of Evil 900 - 850
Level 20 Gold and Experience…but every Death Warrior makes you lose 1/2 lives
Level 21 Overlord of Darkness 1100-950

28 comentarios:

  1. Hola, desde Portugal,
    no conseguimos passar del nivel 8F.
    No conseguimos passar de lo ET green fighter.
    Y lo calculo de los LOSS no funciona connosco.
    Nos puedes ayudar?

  2. Hola Nuno,

    Hace ya 17 meses que resolví el problema :-) Se me ha olvidado un poco como funciona!
    Ahora está durmiendo mi hijo y no sé dónde tiene el juego. Mañana se lo preguntaré!!

    El cálculo del LOSS lo he puesto para que de antemano sepas cuantas vidas vas a perder. Creo que es correcto!!


  3. hi, thanks very much for this post.

    At level 20 did you avoid the Death Warriors?

    How did you find out the formula for
    LOSS = (Lives / (ATT warrior - DEF monster)) * (ATT montster - DEF warrior)

    In my manual this is not written...

  4. Hello DJ Raaf,
    No thanks!
    I don't exactly remember, but I think I didn't avoid the Death Warriors.
    Anyway, perhaps it would be better, so you don't lose too many lives.

    Of course, the best thing is that afterwards you go to the other levels to win again all the lives possible.

    I haven't any manual. I was just trying to find it out for myself and finally I found the formula. It's correct, isn't it?

    It's just a help before trying to fight one of the monsters.

    Thanks for commenting here!!

  5. thanks for your response.

    Did you make all the screenshots or did you find this elsewhere on the internet.

    If you can give other hints how to reach the last level with sufficient lives that would be great

  6. Hello DJ Raaf,

    Well... I made all the screenshots with my "normal" camera... That's why the quality isn't so good...

    Every hint would be welcomed as a gift, thanks :-)

  7. Hello! I'd like to make a gameplay video of this game, but I'd have to see it on my laptop screen in order to record it. Do you know how to connect the console to a laptop, or from TV to a laptop? Thanks.

  8. Hello!
    No, no idea... I wasn't even able to connect it to an adapter (I've spent lots of batteries playing this game :-) )

  9. Hello Dioni i have a question about the game i got my pdc 7 years ago when i was 9 but i want to play again but i can't beat the game and there are NO TUTORIALS ;( help!

  10. Hello AnoNiem12, that's why I made this page, to help you a bit further!!

    The problem is that I haven't got the console anymore, so I can't play it now.
    I'm sure that with this information and some clever playing, you will be able to do it... as I did 3 years ago!!

  11. Can you plz explain how to calculate loss?

  12. Loss = Lives montster / (Attack warrior - Defense Monster), and this multiplicated by (Attack Monster - Defense Warrior).

    For example:

    If Warrior has an Attack of 12 and a Defense of 11:

    In case of Purple Spider (100 Lives, 18 Attack, 6 Defense):

    100 / (12 - 6 ) = 100/6 = 16,66 = 17. Multiply by (18 - 11) = 7.
    Then 17 x 7 = 119 !!

    In case of the Green Spider (75 Lives, 20 Attack, 10 Defense):

    75 / (12 - 10) = 37,5 = 38. (20-11)=9. Then 38 x 9 = 342.

  13. Great so satisfied of having finished the game!!! After many tries (and many years :D). Very useful guide, maybe you should add info about the enemies that half your lives (be very careful about them but in the 20th floor you have to kill all of them and ALL the monster you left in the other floors).

  14. Thanks for the comment Annonimus!!
    I did put in Floor 20: Gold and Experience…but every Death Warrior makes you lose 1/2 lives, but I didn't find more information.

    The big trouble was that when I played this game, it was with a small PDC with batteries.. It takes some hours to finish the game, and beside I couldn't interrupt it, because after 5 minuts it automatically went off and then I had to start again. Besides... I needed a pair of Duracel batteries to have enough power to finish the game in time... Not easy :-)

  15. After 10 years i still have not beaten the the game i'm from the netherlands and started when i was around 9 and now i'm 17....

  16. Nou AnoNiem12, dan wordt het wel eens tijd, hahaha

  17. Gewoon weet ik niet, maar nederlands wel, ja

    1. Ik heb de game nog steeds niet gefinished te veel tijd er aan besteed was er maar een developer die nog zo'n game maakte... En echt alleen dit is er te vinden over de hele game :P

    2. Thanks I try to finish this game during more than 5 years and now I finish it. The end is not amazing but I don't mind :-D:-):-)

  18. Very well!! Yes... nothing special the end :-)

  19. And the green king exchange 45EXP for 9ATT or 9DEF and not 10 but it doesn't really matter

    1. I can't check it now... but if you say so, you're probably right! Thanks for correcting me on this.

  20. Bonjour, pourquoi avez vous calculé la perte ? Ce calcul n'est il pas déjà effectué avec le livre du niveau 1?

  21. hey I don't know if you're still here but can you please help me with a more detailed description of how to beat it?
    I've been trying for months but I just can't get very far
    (oh btw im dutch myself too)

  22. I'm still alive.. but the PDC died a long time ago!

    That's why I don't have the possibility to check it now!!
    Anyway, with all these screenshots it should be easy to beat it!!

    Een beetje Nederlander moet dat zo onder de knie hebben, haha!

    1. That's what I thought at the first time until I found a way to emulate it. Just download the Mame emulator ( and search for the file that is the ROM, put it into the emulator files and it perfectly works.

      And, about the game, I guess I played it for first time 11 years ago and still I don't know how to basically win anything I didn't ever pass from lvl 3...

  23. Thank you for this guide, finally after 10 years I beat the game. This guide helped me understand the game better.
    I should mention that at the 21 level there are two life halving goblins before the big bad, so anyone who struggles to get thru should bring their def above the dark lords att. Thats all, thank you again.
